African Jade Gemstone
For Balance. Cleansing, balancing & detoxifying. Keeps one grounded while assisting meditation.
For Balance. Cleansing, balancing & detoxifying. Keeps one grounded while assisting meditation.
For Friendship Good for communication, especially in friendship. Promotes the ability to listen and understand.
For Calm. Balancing, calming, stabilising & detoxifying. A powerful healing & pain relieving stone.
Affection Pink colouration supports the heart and positive emotion. Protects and cleanses.
For Concentration Enhances concentration. Calms and promotes clarity of thought.
For self-belief. Grounding & calming. Can be used for protection & for strengthening the immune system.
For mood lifting. Encourages self-confidence & discourages self-destruction. Helps lift sadness & apprehension.
For Peace. Extremely soothing. Good for psychic and spiritual development. Powerfully healing and cleansing.
For Reflection. Balances and harmonizes, especially warming and opening the lower Chakras. Aids self-reflection.
For Stability Encourages stability & self-trust. Enhances meditation & grounds mental energies.
For Joy. Lifts the emotions, bestows courage & is good for the libido. Historically a stone of protection.
For awareness. A synthetic stone noted for its optical properties. Can be used to stimulate intuition & awareness.
For self-confidence. Grounds & protects, both physically & emotionally. Instils self-confidence & a feeling of community.
For creativity. Warming, comforting & energising. Stimulates creativity & is purported to attract abundance.
For expansion. Facilitates inner expansion, bringing calm & an ability to work through difficulties without stress.
For Abundance. Associated with wealth and abundance. Included copper generates warming and pain relief.
For harmony. Enhances self-esteem. Creates a sense of harmony & balance. Used in Feng Shul.
For survival. Encourages the ability to survive. Protects, strengthens the will and promotes self awareness.
For Protection. Enhances communication & strengthens self-protection & self-healing.
For Focus. Helps to bring new ideas into focus. Also associated with purity. Said to aid in past-life journeys.
For Flow. Allows flow of energy. Balances & aligns the Chakras. Nurtures & bestows inner strength.
For Grounding. Grounds & promotes inner strength. Calms, stabilises & promotes self reliance.
For Passion. Stimulates warmth of feeling and promotes mutual positive energy
For Energy. For renewal of energy through overwork. Also for revealing hidden talents or psychic gifts.
For Independence. Encourages independence and self-sufficiency. Calming and mood lifting. Also aids sleep.
For Adventure. Encourages interest in new experiences and a thirst for adventure. Assists the immune system.
For Detox. Cleansing, purifying, detoxifying and very gentle. Can be used to alleviate pain and heal illness.
For Recuperation. Assists recuperation. Dissolves shock, fear, pain & energy blocks. Helps to let go of addictions.
For safe travel. Grounds and protects. Also particularly good for improving the circulation.
For Security. Protecting & grounding, calms basic fears to allow a feeling of safety & security.
For Faithful Love. A stone of love, but only to faithful lovers. Alleviates depression, soothes nerves and brings serenity.
For Clarity. A powerful healer which aids clarity, improves memory, enhances meditation and focuses the mind.
For Mediation. Facilitats mutual understanding and strengthens friendships. Helps solve conflicts constructively.
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View full detailsFor pain relief. Excellent pain killer, especially for back problems. Useful for letting go of old unhealthy attachments.
For Intellect. Helps to combine and balance intellect with intuition. Enhances meditation. Helps self acceptance.
For Tranquility. Used for protection since the Middle Ages. Calming and destressing. Reduces mood fluctuations.
For Ambition. Promotes creativity, ambition & dynamic energy. Can be used to combat depression.
For relaxation. For protection against negative energy. Excellent for discharging tension & relieving stress.